Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Love All Around!

The other day, the hubs and I were chatting about our little vacation coming up in a couple of weeks. We're going to have a getaway trip to Galveston and staying right on the beach. Best of all, kid-free! Whoohoo! Our anniversary is coming up, August 14th, and it'll be three years for us. We thought it would be fun to go somewhere together for a weekend since we haven't done so since before Olivia was born so it was much needed! We are excited for some alone time and to recharge ourselves and get back to the roots that started this family, our love!

Personally, I believe that couples, regardless of if they have children or not, need to step away from the real world for a bit and get back to the fundamentals of which the family or relationship has started on. Couples, including us, forget sometimes that without each other, your children wouldn't be here.

I was reading via Happy Wives Club on Facebook about 6 ways to love your husband even moreso and number one was to adore him unconditionally and not when he is nicer, makes more money, etc. The key is to love and adore him even if he isn't adorable. And that is very important. Our husbands could have such a crappy attitude when he comes home from work or wakes up, but for us wives it is important to give him true admiration because in the end he is our only partner.

One of my favorite quotes is by Fawn Weaver and it says:

"Marriage: love is the reason. Lifelong friendship is the gift. Kindness is the cause. 'Til death do us part is the length."

I know of three couples who are around my age, 24-25, who married and are already divorced. Now, I am not the one to judge but it saddens me that couples get married so quickly and divorce so quickly. People nowadays just toss that "death do us part" phrase in their vows, I have even heard now that vows don't contain that verse because there might be a "chance" of divorce.

Here is the link to the 6 Ways to Love Your Husband More:

Keep Loving!!


Chloe Smith said...

our vows state "for all eternity" not till death do us part ;) It takes work on both parts and I am so happy My hubby and I decided when things got tough that is was worth it not only for the kids, but because when we said "i do" we meant it forever.
It is sad when you see people give up so easily and forget they married for a reason.

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