Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Two more days!

Two more days, I can't breathe I am too excited. My husband and I will be throwing the girls to the in laws Friday at the ass crack of dawn (more like 9am) and venturing off to Galveston Beach and going to have an us weekend. No phones, nothing. Well, maybe his for emergencies.. but no other electronics. Nothing to interrupt. Lots of yummy food: shrimp, crab, more shrimp, yummy drinks: beer for him, margaritas for me, and lots of lovin'.

I'm nervous because it's the first time my hubby and I have been away from the girls for more than 6-8 hours. I told him to not to talk about anything kid-related, nothing about Isabelle's therapy or anything at all about our girls. It's going to be difficult, to be honest, but we can do it!

We plan on visiting Pleasure Pier (dirty sounding) which is just a big boardwalk/pier with rides, carnival games and food. That is about it, since we don't want to spend too much money, but we want to spend a lot of time together so we may just veg out on the beach or in the pool.

Last time we took a beach trip was last summer with the girls. Olivia was 1 1/2 and Isabelle was 2 months old. We took a 4 hour drive south to North Padre Island off Corpus and that in itself was an adventure and not a good one. Him and I barely got any time together on the beach because I was worried about my newbornish infant not to get sand in her eyes or nursing her and him worried about chasing Olivia and making sure she doesn't drown. Plus the hotel lacked cribs so we had to buy a travel bed for babies that basically resembled a dog bed and Olivia hogged our bed. Let's just say it was an experience we will never forget.

Ah, the beach. My hubby and I. I am counting down the hours.


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